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One-Click-Analyzer - for Data Migrations
One-Click-Analyzer - for Data Migrations
One-Click-Analyzer - for Data Migrations

Data migration scenarios follow standardized approaches, but data constellation on every system is different. Whereas system scan results support in project planning, more detailed analysis activities need to be performed in "Design" and "Build" phase. Standardization of bestpractice analysis activties is applicable to all TCbased migration projects. MC framework can be used to create a unit, which can give guidance and use potential of automation.

This epic is an outcome of the software supported engagement model (feature requests from delivery):


* Enables Partenrs and Junior level transformation consultants to setup migration rulebase by following a guided and partially automated procedure. * Improves quality in "Build" phase by following best-practice checks to derive necessary tasks. * Reduces efforts in "Design" and "Build" phase by high level of automation. * increase quality across projects (each project does the analysis on their own and with their own design) * increase standardization and as a result of this easier onboarding of new transformation consultants and shorten partner onboarding * reduce probability to execute wrong or incomplete analysis because of higher amount of automation * prevent wrong ruleset implementation because of standardized analysis results and guidance how to use and how to interpred / adapt TC rulebase (e.g. depending on the results of ILOA analysis the content has to be adapted - if this analysis will not be done and rules adapted the TC standard content results in import errors during migration)"