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Selection/Mapping Checker
Selection/Mapping Checker
Selection/Mapping Checker

Before each migration or even after creating a selection or mapping rule, it is important to evaluate it. This check already exists today, but it is kept very simple and urgently needs to be extensively revised. The maintained values are currently only blindly checked against the customising, which sometimes leads to false statements. The checks must be more extensive and comprehensive so that one can start the coming migration with more security and correct values.

  • Quality enhancement through comprehensive testing of selections and mappings
  • Reduction of migration errors due to incorrectly created rules
  • Reduction of effort, through extensive and targeted checking of the values, customers can create the selections and mappings themselves, evaluate them precisely and release them for migration (in this way, the responsibility for the rules also remains with the customer).
  • Media discontinuities can be avoided by revising the output format of the check.
  • The overview of selections and mappings is improved by filtering by responsibility and category.
  • Better versioning allows to compare current and old versions of selections and mappings.