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Datafridge Cloud MVP - Native Cloud, lean version for Datafridge based on CrystalBridge platform
Datafridge Cloud MVP - Native Cloud, lean version for Datafridge based on CrystalBridge platform
Datafridge Cloud MVP - Native Cloud, lean version for Datafridge based on CrystalBridge platform

Datafridge Cloud is designed to cater to customers interested in decommissioning SAP systems and transitioning away from SAP technology entirely. Even in the absence of an existing SAP-based Datafridge control system (required in current Netweaver-based Datafridge SW version), with Datafridge Cloud, customers can access SAP data from a non-SAP environment.

Datafridge Cloud leverages the existing data extraction engine and places a primary focus on delivering a seamless, cloud-based user experience for accessing data stored in Datafridge. This approach ensures that users can easily retrieve and interact with SAP data, regardless of the underlying technology landscape.

This first release version encompasses generic browser functionality and is tailored to cover a selection of the most popular transactions in the financial (FI) domain, enabling users to test and experience the capabilities of Datafridge Cloud within a real-world context.